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Your prospects can see your ads in hundreds of places like Amazon, The Weather Channel, Yahoo, WebMD, Business Week, CNN, ESPN, Mayo Clinic and many more. This will help you 10x your website effectiveness.
What are Pixels and how do you "Retarget" people to get more prospects to use you and your business?
What is retargeting and how does a pixel work? You’ve seen when you go to a retailer and search for something and then everywhere you go, there is an ad for what you have searched for. You see their ad on Facebook, CNN, Hulu, and hundreds of websites.
This is what retargeting is all about. It has only been for big businesses (it has cost over $10k per month). We will show you how to do it for less that almost all companies can afford.
Dec 6th – 2:30 pm
on Zoom

Coming Soon
Practical tips for a better storefront
Optimize your products page
Getting more followers, friends and business on SM
SEO makes your life easier
What are people saying about you on social media posts?
Road to Higher SEO Ranking