
Marketing hacks #1: Webinars


A webinar is an online seminar where you can train potential customers about subjects that complement your product(s). There are several different software programs out there that allow you to host a webinar complete with whiteboard, slide share programs (PowerPoint and other slide decks) and all of the features that you could want.

Webinars are great because you can charge whatever you want for them. What people will pay will depend upon how valuable they think your advice is. Many people make a six-figure income from just doing webinars.

I use free webinars to promote a website or funnel (like the funnel you came in on) to get traffic into one of two targeted sales locations (website or funnel). This is also the best way to build credibility.

So many people today prefer to learn from videos; they would rather watch a video than read a newsletter. Webinars are the next step in videos. They are seminars that can reach far beyond your community. In fact, watch for a webinar about this guide shortly.

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