Why should I write a book about myself? Building your reputation.

marco_rubio_american_son_smBy John Bingham – Author development at Scottsdale Multimedia Publishing

“Writing a book (or having one written about you) is not what you might think. While it is true that books are written about individuals who have succeeded, careers that have been built and battles that have already been fought, more books are written by and about those who are in the process of succeeding, building and battling. These books by business people are either about what they have learned already or what they can teach others because of their expertise. Books promote people, concepts, careers and companies which are more clearly defined in their pages.

A book allows you to introduce, to distinguish and to set yourself apart as a bona fide expert in your field. Ask yourself these questions: Ray-book

1) If you are considering a medical procedure of any kind, who do you trust? Someone about whom you know nothing or an individual you have come to appreciate and trust by knowing something about him and where he comes from?

2) If there are three individuals or professionals, all from the same background standing before you and one of them has written a book, whose opinion carries the most weight?

3) If someonMeInce is asking you to invest money with him, wouldn’t you like to know something about his background, experience, life lessons learned, successes and authenticity?

The return on investment (ROI) for writing a book is remarkable. It must be. Otherwise, why would virtually every expert in every field be a published author? Did you know that the vast majority of them make little or no money on the sale of their books? The ROI they are looking for is the ability to tell their story in CONTEXT, DISTINGUISHING themselves from the competition and establishing their AUTHENTICITY from the slick ads and expensive web sites that were posted on the Internet within the last 90 days by new competitors. They know that a potential new client, patient, investor or board of directors can only trust them so far as they know them . . . and like what they know. A book accomplishes all the above like nothing else.”

You deserve to tell your own story, your way.

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Want help writing your book? Call me and I will get the right professional writer for your type of book.

Boyd Petersen

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