Optimize Your Attitude

6 Ways to Cultivate Optimism Each Day You might be surprised to hear that optimism is not an innate quality. Optimism and pessimism are ways of looking at yourself and the world through a positive or negative filter.  Once you think of them as reflections of your mindset, it becomes much easier to believe you can change. Like any new behavior, you need to practice every day for it to…

Types of reviews and testimonials

How successful companies and entrepreneurs use their existing customers and fans to sell to new ones – Online reviews and Testimonials Testimonials can increase conversion on your sales pages by 34%, but there are many different types of testimonials, and they all improve trust and conversions in their own way. To make sure you take full advantage of them, I’ve scoured the internet to find every testimonial option available for…

Being Unique vs. Being Original: Is There a Difference?

Being Unique vs. Being Original: Is There a Difference? People like to think of themselves as unique, and they will even interchange the word unique with being original. But are they the same thing? Can you be unique without being original? Someone who decides they want to stand out may dress in a style that is outside the norm. If you look at people who adopt the Goth look, they…

Success in Business

Don’t Fail at Business; Pivot to Succeed

Don’t Fail at Business; Pivot to Succeed Not all entrepreneurs should launch their business ideas. Some should instead pivot to create a better business. What if you could learn about tools that could help you decide if you could be profitable and successful in starting a business? Would you spend time going through that training before you started your business? Would you be willing to pivot to succeed? Those tools…