Up Your Social Media Game

Up Your Social Media Game If you want to up your social media engagement game, and have more people notice you for all the right reasons, here are some ways to stand out in all the right ways, and not only have people notice you, but want to work with you: 1. Share useful information with your prospects. What do your prospects need to know, that will have them consume…

11 ways to promote your business with Instagram

11 Ways to Promote a Local Business on Instagram

11 Ways to Promote a Local Business on Instagram By Ashley Ward and Boyd Petersen JiffPom (@JiffPom) is proudly (I imagine) sitting atop a throne of 8.5 million Instagram followers. He’s also a dog. To put this in perspective, an “Insta-famous” dog has more followers than Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft combined. If every major soda brand combined their Instagram follower counts, JiffPom would still beat them by over 3 million.…

Types of reviews and testimonials

How successful companies and entrepreneurs use their existing customers and fans to sell to new ones – Online reviews and Testimonials Testimonials can increase conversion on your sales pages by 34%, but there are many different types of testimonials, and they all improve trust and conversions in their own way. To make sure you take full advantage of them, I’ve scoured the internet to find every testimonial option available for…

Twitter and InstaGram – Part of the Eight Social Media sites that can help your business.

Eight Social Media sites that can help your business. Not all are for you. Part 3 of 4 – Twitter and InstaGram Twitter –We live in a Twitter length world! Is that true? This is a short message program that has become very popular. Some said it wouldn’t because you can only use 140 characters in the entire post. Now news organizations talk about how people live in a Twitter…

Google + & YouTube – Part of the Eight Social Media sites that can help Market your business.

Eight Social Media sites that can help your business. Part 2 of 4 – Google + and YouTube There are many more than these eight social media sites but these eight have caught my attention and should every business person. Just understand that they aren’t for every business. I’ll explain in each. I’m also looking for comments to let me know what more they can each do and other social…

Eight Social Media sites that can help your business – Part 1 of 4

Eight Social Media sites that can help your business. Not all are for you. Part 1 of 4 – Facebook & LinkedIn There are many more than these eight social media sites but these eight have caught my attention and should every business person. Just understand that they aren’t for every business. I’ll explain in each. I’m also looking for comments to let me know what more they can each…

Want more business? Invite your customers back again and again.

Have you invited your customers back? During a down or challenging economy, getting new customers is very important. It is also important to get those people who have already used your products or services to come back. How can you do this? – Want the statistics to this? Jump to the bottom of this article. I find it so surprising that many businesses spend lots of money on getting new…